File Form IL-1040, Individual Income Tax Return, on MyTax Illinois
Use MyTax Illinois to electronically file your original Individual Income Tax Return. It’s easy, free, and you will get your refund faster.
You are eligible to file an original IL-1040 via MyTax Illinois if you
- have not filed an individual income tax return for this tax year;
- are an established Illinois taxpayer by having filed an IL-1040 return for tax year 2023;
- have a Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN);
- have a valid email address;
- are a full year resident of Illinois; and
- are not claiming any:
- taxable income or additions except for your Adjusted Gross Income or any tax-exempt interest from the federal 1040
- subtractions except for social security income, retirement income, Illinois income tax overpayment, military pay, U.S. interest, contributions to a 529 plan such as “Bright Start” or “Bright Directions” with the account number, or exemptions,
- non-refundable credits except for property tax credit or K-12 education expense credit, or
- payments or refundable credits except for Illinois withholding from W-2, W-2G, 1099-G, 1099-INT, or 1099-R, estimated payments, Earned Income Credit, or Child Tax Credit.
Some common documents, records, or receipts you may need to help you file are
- your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) from your 2023 IL-1040;
- a copy of your federal income tax return and schedules;
- copies of all W-2 and 1099 forms;
- your property number and amount of property tax paid;
- receipts for qualified education or moving expenses;
- your routing and account number if you are due a refund and choose to deposit your refund directly into your checking or savings account;
- your year-end statements received for qualified 529 savings account contributions for the tax year; and
- your year-end statements detailing the amount of US Interest received for the tax year.
For more information, see IL-1040 Instructions.
File your 2024 IL-1040 without having a MyTax Illinois account (non-login option) Under the Individuals tab, select “File a 2024 IL-1040.” Follow the instructions to complete your return.
If you already have a MyTax Illinois account, you can login to your account to file your IL-1040 if you meet the eligibility requirements.
New in 2024! You can now use the IRS Direct File Program. Eligible Illinois taxpayers can file their 2024 federal returns directly with the IRS for free. Federal return information can then be transferred into MyTax Illinois, to free file Illinois individual income taxes.
What if I already filed Form IL-1040?
DO NOT mail a copy of your return. Submitting multiple original returns will cause processing delays.
What about my refund?
You can check the status of your refund here: Where’s my refund?
Made an error, forgot something, or need to amend?
If you discover that you made an error or forgot to include income, withholding, or another credit on your original return, you must file Form IL-1040-X, Amended Individual Income Tax Return.
I received a Return Correction Notice (RCN). What should I do?
DO NOT file another Form IL-1040. Please respond to the RCN as directed.
What if I need to file a prior year Form IL-1040?
For tax years 2019 through current year, you can file your original Form IL-1040 through your MyTax Illinois account.