MyTax Illinois Help
General Information
- What is MyTax Illinois and how do I access it?
- How do I know if I am eligible to activate a MyTax Illinois logon?
- Will I have a separate MyTax Illinois logon for each type of return I file?
- How often does IDOR process information from MyTax Illinois?
- Can I view notices that IDOR issues to me using MyTax Illinois?
- Will I have to install any new software programs on my computer to use MyTax Illinois?
- What can I do if MyTax Illinois does not appear to be responding when I try to view letters, print returns, or select the help link?
Creating a Logon
- Individual Income Tax
- What is a Letter ID?
- What if my Letter ID does not work?
- How do I request a Letter ID to activate my logon?
- Do I have to activate a MyTax Illinois logon to file my Form IL-1040, Individual Income Tax Return?
- Why won’t MyTax Illinois or other tax preparation programs accept my driver’s license or state ID information?
- Why won’t MyTax Illinois accept my Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)?
- Businesses
- What are my options to activate my logon?
- What should I do if I cannot activate my logon?
- Two-Step Verification Guide
- Why do I need to use a Security Code to sign into my MyTax Illinois logon?
MyTax Illinois Functions
- Individual Income Tax Login Functions
- File, view, or print a return
- Contribute to Illinois Gives
- Make a payment
- Respond to a notice
- Respond to an examination
- Respond to an audit
- Request an Installment Payment Plan Agreement
- Businesses Login Functions
- View or print returns
- File or amend a Withholding Income Tax (WIT) return
- Contribute to Illinois Gives
- Make a payment
- Renew a license or certificate
- Respond to an audit
- Respond to a Business Income Tax (BIT) or Withholding Income Tax (WIT) notice
- Request an Installment Payment Plan Agreement
- Individual Income Tax Non-login Functions
- Respond to a notice requesting Identity Verification
- IL-PIN inquiry
- Refund inquiry
- Non-login payments
- Non-login returns
- Look up estimated and extension payments
- 1099-G lookup
- 1098-F lookup
- Submit an IDOR power of attorney
- Volunteer Emergency Worker Credit Application and Lookup
- Businesses Non-login Functions
- Electronic W-2 and 1099 Transmittal Programs
- Verify a registered business
- Tax Rate Finder
- Verify a sales tax exemption number
- Submit an IDOR power of attorney
- File a zero wage report (IDES Form UI 3/40)
- 1098-F lookup
- View Audit Discrepancies and Respond to an Audit Information Request
Using MyTax Illinois
- What is the difference between “Requests” and “Correspondence” in MyTax Illinois?
- How do I review my submitted requests?
- How do I cancel or withdraw a request?
- Closing and opening tax accounts
- MyTax Illinois User Management
- How do I allow others third-party access or additional logons?
- Third-party access
- Additional logons
- What if the person who created MyTax Illinois access is no longer with the business?