High Impact/ Reimagining Energy and Vehicles (REV) / Manufacturing Illinois Chips for Real Opportunity (MICRO) / Quantum Computing Campuses Business Report
Who must file the High Impact/ Reimagining Energy and Vehicles (REV) / Manufacturing Illinois Chips for Real Opportunity (MICRO) / Quantum Computing Campuses Business report?
You must file this report if you are a business that receives incentives because your business is a High Impact/ Reimagining Energy and Vehicles (REV) / Manufacturing Illinois Chips for Real Opportunity (MICRO) / Quantum Computing Campuses business. Incentives may be income tax, utility taxes, sales tax, or property tax.
Which year’s income tax return do I use if I’m a fiscal year filer?
You should use the most recently completed tax year for which the business has filed a return.
What information will I need to know to file my High Impact Business Report?
Click on the links below to obtain more information about each required piece of information.
Income Tax Incentives
Utility Tax Incentives
Sales Tax Incentives
- Tangible property (expanded manufacturing and graphic arts only)