Energy Assistance Charge, Renewable Energy Charge & Energy Transition Assistance Charge
To obtain more information about recent legislative changes, please refer to the Informational Bulletin FY 2025-13, Energy Assistance Charge Rate Change, Effective January 1, 2025.
Legal References
- Statutory
- Energy Assistance Charge 305 ILCS 20/1 to 20/14
- Renewable Energy Resources and Coal Technology Development Assistance Charge 20 ILCS 687/1 to 687/99
- Energy Transition Assistance Charge 220 ILCS 5/16-108.30
- Regulations
Electronic Services
Each public utility must collect an Energy Assistance Charge monthly from each of its customers for electric or natural gas services delivered by the utility, or supplier.
Each public utility must collect a Renewable Energy Charge monthly from each of its customers for electric or natural gas services delivered by the utility, or supplier.
Each electric utility serving more than 500,000 customers must collect the Energy Transition Assistance Charge monthly from each of its customers for electric services delivered by the utility.
The Illinois Compiled Statutes (220 ILCS 30/3.4) provide the following definition for an electric cooperative:
"Electric Cooperative" means (a) any not for profit corporation or other person that owns, controls, operates or manages, directly or indirectly, within this State, any plant, equipment or property for the production, transmission, sale, delivery or furnishing of electricity and (b) that either is or has been financed in whole or in part under the federal "Rural Electrification Act of 1936" and the Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, or is directly or indirectly caused to be formed by any one or more such not for profit corporations or other persons that is or has been so financed.
Note: Electric Cooperatives or Gas Cooperatives and Municipal Electric Utilities or Municipal Gas Utilities may choose to collect and remit the Energy Assistance and Renewable Energy charges but must notify the department in writing.
Tax Rate
Rates are imposed for the Energy Assistance Charge depending upon the type of customer and the customer’s electric or natural gas usage during the past calendar year, as well as your total customers. Use the Tax Rate Database to determine the monthly rates for the Energy Assistance Charge.
Rates are imposed for the Renewable Energy Charge depending upon the type of customer and the customer’s electric or natural gas usage during the past calendar year. Use the Tax Rate Database to determine the monthly rates for the Renewable Energy Charge.
The utility's total charge shall be set as determined annually by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. For each utility, the charge shall be recovered through a single, uniform cents per kilowatt-hour charge applicable to all retail customers, which charge shall not exceed 1.3% of the amount paid per kilowatt hour by those customers during the year ending May 31, 2009.
Form/Filing & Payment Requirements
Electricity distributor’s return
- Form RPU-6, Assistance Charges Return for Electricity Distributors, is due on or before the 20th day of each month following the month for which the return is filed.
- Returns may be filed electronically at MyTax Illinois.
Natural gas distributor’s return
- Form RG-6, Assistance Charges Return for Natural Gas Distributors, is due on or before the 20th day of each month following the month for which the return is filed.
- Returns may be filed electronically at MyTax Illinois.
You can use MyTax Illinois to file your Form RPU-6 or Form RG-6 electronically. MyTax Illinois also allows for electronic payment of any tax due.
- Call us at: 1 217 782-5906
- Mail Form RPU-6 and Form RG-6 to:
PO BOX 19019